Picked by: Judi
Bill: Had a real problem making myself read this - only one so far like that. Too long, too wordy for me - 400 pages too long.
General Read: 2 | For Discussion: 4
Phyllis: Interesting concept - parasite aliens, what it means to be human, etc. but the book was about 300 pages too long. Dialogue in the middle meandered. The love triangle and dialogues was too much like Breaking Dawn which makes her books become too cookie cutter.
General Read: 2 | For Discussion: 3
John: Very easy read. The book was slow in the middle; enjoyed the end.
General Read: 4 | For Discussion: 3
Steph: This book captivated me at first and I felt I couldn't put it down. But then, I tired of all the cowering and passivity of Wanderer and almost hoped Kyle was going to do some damage. I was also very annoyed with her actions in the trial of Kyle (hey, that rhymes!). The ending with the excursions and the acquisition of the medicine picked the book back up for me, but I got very tired of the martyr act very fast. With all that being said, I enjoyed it for the most part.
General Read: 4.5 | For Discussion: 4
Judi: Intriguing ideas about the relationship of the soul to the body. Raised lots of discussion about "love" - can it be separated from the body?
General Read: 3 | For Discussion: 3
Discussed at Firefly Coffeeshop.